Dear Friends,
Well I have had a busy year and it is only April and I am sure there is more to come!
This year I was involved it World Prayer Day in March, it was so nice to see so many people from different churches coming together to pray.
We all pray and this is important to all Christians and is the way we talk to God and hope he is listening to us.
At Norristhorpe we have a group of children who meet at Messy Church and at our last meeting we explain to them about World Prayer Day and asked them why, when and what they pray for? They told us they pray to say thank you to God for everyday things:
Thank you for the food we eat, our friends, mummy and daddy, animals we like… but one of the little ones said she thanked God for her bouncy bed and especially her mummy’s bed which is “more bouncy”! This shows we all have things which are important and special.
Next week will be the coronation of King Charles III and I wonder what he will be praying for leading up to this special day; family, promises he has made to our country or personal things that he does not forget his words!
I feel that we need to keep him in our prayers this week so that his coronation is enjoyed by all involved.
Hope Together have written a prayer for King Charles III’s Coronation:
Our Father in heaven,
We pray today for our new King Charles III.
Grant him your peace as he commits himself again to your service.
Give him strength and perseverance as he promises to serve us all as King.
May he know you are walking with him day by day.
Help him to fulfil his vows and promises.
May he follow the example of Jesus – the ultimate King of Kings.
God bless the King.Amen
Janet McDonald
Norristhorpe URC