5th August  2018

The Bread of Life

My mother baked wonderfully wholesome bread. The mesmerising aroma would rise slowly from the kitchen and we felt as if we couldn’t wait for the loaves to be lifted from the oven. On baking days we were very helpful, ready to assist her with washing and drying used bowls and utensils and anything else that would help in the process of getting the bread to the table. And when the bread was finally taken out and allowed to cool, there was the delicious sound of the warm crust being cut, ready to be eaten.


We would eat our fill. It was a time of laughter and sharing and family fun. But by the very next day the bread was only a memory, everything was gone even the wholesome aroma was just a memory. The bread didn’t last. Memories of those days remain with me and there are days when I hunger for them.


When in the Bible the Israelites journeyed through the desert, away from Egypt toward Canaan, God sent bread daily. Once the bread was gone they again grew hungry. They depended on the miracle bread, but disregarded the words of God. When Jesus fed over 5000 people, with five loaves and two fish, many followed, not because of his words, but because they wanted more bread. Jesus said, You’re looking for me, not because of my words, but because you ate your fill. Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that gives life.  Then Jesus told them, The bread of God comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am that bread. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry.


Jesus is the heavenly bread that satisfies our hunger. He is the Word of God the heavenly bread that gives us eternal life. Eat the bread that came down from heaven. Eat the bread, eat every word. Jesus is the bread, the word of God. Find the Word in the pages of your Bible and eat. Eat and live.



Revd. Mark Robinson

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