Dear Friends,


Decisions, decisions, decisions……


Should I have tea or coffee? Chicken or fish?  Dress or trousers?  We all make simple decisions every day and usually they don’t cause us any distress.  But what about the more difficult decisions?  Should I give to Christian Aid or Oxfam?  Help the Aged or Homeless?  When should I move from my home and ‘downsize’?  Of course we know we are actually in a very privileged position to be able to make these kind of decisions, however difficult they become under different circumstances.


So what about decisions within our churches?  Should we have fewer services or do more of them ourselves? Should we close and amalgamate?  Or all stay open as long as is feasible or possible?


We are reminded in the Old Testament of nomadic tribes who had to move on and God would provide for them (Abram in Genesis 12:1-3, Moses in Exodus 14:13,14).  Every time God provided, as He provides spiritual nourishment for us all.  In the New Testament James writes his letter to the 12 tribes scattered all over the world (James1:2-8).  His advice was clear and to the point: Don’t give up when your faith is being tested.  Do good things for others.  Control your tongue.  Surrender to God and rely on His wisdom.  Resist the devil.  Don’t boast about what you’re going to do.  Be patient and kind and pray for all who need Gods help. (ref: Contemporary English Bible)

Where are we in all this?  What is our future?  In our many meetings are we avoiding talking about the BIG decisions?


What would you do if your church closed?  Would you stay at home of a Sunday morning?  Would it be a relief not to have the responsibility you have now?  Would you go to the church nearest to you?  Would you choose a different denomination?  Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Unitarian, Independent?


Asking God for guidance now is essential for all of us.  We all know we have our place in Heaven by His grace and mercy, not by the deeds we do.  Search inside yourself for the decision that God is calling you make.  It’s only us as individuals, coming together collectively, who can make those earthly, imminent and difficult decisions.

Hold on tight, there are rocky times ahead for us all!


In Christ’s love

Janet Virr, Heckmondwike



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