We all at times in our lives have a good moan, but when we are really low, we ask for help from God! We take many things for granted family and friends, somewhere safe to live and we can go to church. At the present time when we sit and watch the news about the fighting in the Ukraine, we should realise how lucky we are.

When we attended World Prayer Day in March, we were given a seed to plant – a sunflower seed, a seed of hope. This flower always faces the sun, light of life.

John 8:12 – Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world if you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness because you will have light that leads to life.’

This simple beautiful flower is the symbol of the Ukraine and at this time of need these people are turning to God for help – into the light. We need to open our hearts and help these people any way we can by including them in our prayers and saying thank you to God for how lucky we are.

Janet McDonald


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